Best Investments in Sustainability by Laura Parker Roerden Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers — Wordsworth. A whole culture of shopping has sprouted up around Thanksgiving weekend: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. But perhaps you also have heard of Giving Tuesday. The first three are waysContinue reading “#GivingTuesday: Serving up Sustainability!”
Monthly Archives: November 2017
Leave Your Leaves!
Best Investments in Sustainability by Laura Parker Roerden What’s better than something you do to help create a more sustainable earth and life? Something you simply stop doing; especially if it’s a chore in which you had previously invested time, money, and effort. It turns out that the late fall chore of removing your leavesContinue reading “Leave Your Leaves!”
Make Your Own Yogurt
Best Investments in Sustainability by Laura Parker Roerden My family decided we would cut back on our plastic pollution recently and have been slowly replacing plastic items with real ones. The health risks are real–plastic is entering our waterways, the ocean and our food webs, concentrating dangerous chemicals in the food we eat. So weContinue reading “Make Your Own Yogurt”
Best Investments in Sustainability
Introducing the From the Shaker Column! Each Friday Salt from the Earth will feature a best investment in sustainability for your family, farm, or homestead. We believe that the best targets for sustainability in our lives should be: less expensive, earth and health friendly, soul-satisfying, easy to do! Inspired by theContinue reading “Best Investments in Sustainability”