Lessons of the Wild

by Laura Parker Roerden Click the image to view this previously published article, “Lessons of the Wild” in Schools with Spirit by Beacon Press. lessons_of_the_wild   Laura Parker Roerden is the founding director of Ocean Matters and the former managing editor of Educators for Social Responsibility and New Designs for Youth Development. She serves on the boards of Women WorkingContinue reading “Lessons of the Wild”

Scholarship Opportunity: Do You Know a Florida Teen Who Wants to Make a Splash for the Ocean?

Calling all creative Florida teens who want to make a splash on behalf of the world’s oceans! Ocean Matters is proud to announce a partnership with the prestigious Bow Seat Ocean Awareness Programs, which is generously providing one full scholarship ($3,500 value) to an Ocean Awareness Contest applicant from Florida to participate in our OceanContinue reading “Scholarship Opportunity: Do You Know a Florida Teen Who Wants to Make a Splash for the Ocean?”