Everywhere That Mary Went. . .

by Laura Parker Roerden When we first brought our lambs home, our plan was to pasture them with the cows. Cows and sheep have different foraging appetites, making their co-habitation in the pasture more efficient. Cattle are also great predator protection for sheep, aggressively attacking coyote and bonding with sheep within a two week period ofContinue reading “Everywhere That Mary Went. . .”

Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir. Two Bags Full!

7 Random Farm Happenings by Laura Parker Roerden Juliette and Juniper have added a lot of excitement to our lives here at Jo-Erl Farm. We’ve been busy getting a winter paddock ready for them, one that will be safe from predators and close enough to the farmhouse for us to keep an eye on them. This isContinue reading “Yes, Sir. Yes, Sir. Two Bags Full!”

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