Awaiting Lambs

by Laura Parker Roerden (September 24, 2015) Fall 2014 the young people (ages 8-15) of our Farm Camp raised enough money at our annual Farm Camp Friendraiser to purchase two lambs to begin a fiber arts project. The idea of raising wool at Jo-Erl Farm is a symbolic nod to our beloved Blackstone Valley’s storied pastContinue reading “Awaiting Lambs”

Peafowl: Reflections on Love, Rain and Separation

by Laura Parker Roerden Someone recently asked me over a glass of wine in a busy bar why I had gotten peafowl. I fumbled to answer, as the response was not neat or tidy. It was all somehow entangled with grief, a long drought, and my place in a decisive turn of the wheel of time. AsContinue reading “Peafowl: Reflections on Love, Rain and Separation”